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ZWIN-COD1006 online analyzer

ZWIN-COD1006 online analyzer

The ZWIN-COD1006 online analyzer adopts the principle of ultraviolet fluorescence method. According to the fluorescence characteristics of organic matter in water, the COD or TOC content can be calculated by the fluorescence intensity released under the excitation of ultraviolet LED. The sensor adopts dual optical path design, which can automatically compensate the turbidity in real time, eliminate the interference of turbidity to the measurement, and make the sensor more stable and reliable. The instrument does not need reagent, no pollution, more economical and environmentally friendly. Small size, more convenient installation, online uninterrupted water quality monitoring. Automatic compensation for turbidity interference, with automatic cleaning device, it still has excellent stability even in long-term monitoring.

Many organic compounds dissolved in water are absorbent to ultraviolet light. Therefore, the total amount of organic pollutants in the water can be measured by measuring the extent to which these organics absorb UV light at 254nm .The probe adopts two light sources, one is 254nm ultraviolet light, the other is 365nm ultraviolet reference light, which can automatically eliminate the interference of suspended matter, so as to achieve a more stable and reliable measurement value.

Type ZWIN-COD1006 - I ZWIN-COD1006 - II
O ptical Length 6mm 1mm
Measuring Principle Dual beam absorbance method( ZWIN-COD1006nm & 365nm)
Measuring Way Immersion measurement
The Measured Parameters CODC r (mg/L ); TOC (mg/L ); Turbidity ( NTU);
Water temperature (o C ) . BOD ,CODM n , etc ,can be converted.
Measuring Range CODCr : 0- 1500 mg/L;
TOC: 0-250 mg/L;
Turbidity: 0 - 5 0 0 NTU;
Water Temperature:0 to 50℃
CODCr : 0- 3000 mg/L;
TOC: 0- 1500 mg/L;
Turbidity: 0 - 3 0 0 0 NTU;
Water Temperature: 0 to 50℃
Accuracy of Measurement CODC r : < 5%; TOC: < 5%;
Turbidity: <3 %; Water Temperature: 0.2℃
Resolution CODC r : 0 .01 mg/L ; TOC: 0 . 1 mg/L ;
Turbidity: 0 . 1NTU;
Water Temperature: 0.1℃
C leaning system Automatic cleaning with cleaning brush
Power S upply Voltage 12± 5% VDC , Electric current:
< 50 mA ( without cleaning brush)
Communication Methods RS485 , Modbus protocol
Protection Grade IP6 8 , Maximum water depth in10m.
Highest Bearing Pressure 1 bar
Cable Length 5 or 10 meters
Overall Dimensions 214 mm × φ 50 mm
Probe Weight 665g
Shell Material POM and 316L
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